Yusuf Olawale Owa-onire

Yusuf Olawale O.

Yabancı Dil

"An online experienced English Teacher "





Yusuf Olawale O.

  • 19 Ekim 2024
  • 20 Ekim 2024
  • 21 Ekim 2024
  • 22 Ekim 2024
  • 23 Ekim 2024
  • 24 Ekim 2024
  • 25 Ekim 2024

Ders Özeti

Sınıf :
Ders :
Konu :
Süre : dk

Ödeme Özeti

Satın Alınacak Paket :
Satın Alınacak Adet : 1 Adet
Süre : dk
Ödenecek Tutar :
Öğretmene Notun(varsa) :

256-bit şifreleme ile güvenli ödeme.

Bakiye Özeti

Paket :
Kullanılacak Ders Bakiyesi : 1 Adet
Ders Süresi : dk
Ders Ödeme Tutarı : Ücretsiz (1 Kullanımlık)
Öğretmene Notun(varsa) :

256-bit şifreleme ile güvenli ödeme.


My name is Yusuf. As a well versed and experienced teacher; I can leverage my leadership skills and academic achievements to facilitate the educational service to humanity and enhance societal advancement. More so I am fluent in computer usage and communication skills, I also can work under pressure with a team or group.

Üniversite : Ibn Haldun University, Istanbul Turkey

Deneyim & Aktivite

  • Öğretmenlik Deneyimim

    (1) Tfs, Teaching fellow Student Teacher Ibn haldun University - Istanbul. Mayıs 2020 - Nisan 2022, I worked with the professor at the University by teaching, social science, Islamic studies, logic, and philosophy to undergraduate students in both English and Arabic Language, I oftentimes explained to the students in the Turkish language. (2) English teacher/Instructor Göde bilimler eğitim kurumları - Sultanbeyli Mart 2021 - Ağustos 2021 I worked at the institution as a head instructor of the English language department, and I do teach English to the students/children at both junior and secondary education levels. (3) Staff / Instructor Man'hal ulum primary and secondary school - Cairo, EG 2016 bitiş tarihi Eylül 2018 - Cairo, EG Nisan 2016 - Eylül 2018 I worked in the school as a qualified teacher who teaches to the students in both Arabic and English language; the Arabic subjects like its grammars, Nahw, sarf, balagah and Islamic basic education like theology, jurisprudence, and prophetic traditions.

  • Eğitim Felsefem

    My name is Yusuf. I strongly believe that; Education remains the key to opening the door to success. Let us be frank; the darkness of the ignorant required an immediate light of knowledge. Meanwhile, a qualified teacher is charged to play a significant role in changing the world with impactive skills and educative experiences. In this regard, I am committed to positively educating my students and improving their academic ability to meet up with standard levels in their respective subjects, whether it is the English Language, Arabic Language, Qur'anic Studies, or even the Humanity and Social Sciences / Islamic Studies. I am very ready to help the knowledge seekers (the students) at any level in these mentioned subjects without any problem. With all that being said let us meet in the classroom for self-attestation. Till then, take good care of yourself and remain safe! Yours Sincerely, Yusuf Olawale. Arabic language إن أهمية اللغة في حياة الإنسان كأهمية الغذاء في الجسم، وكما لا يتمتع الإنسان بصحة جيدة حين يفقد الطعام ، وكذلك اللسان لا يستقيم بدون الفهم الصحيح للغات المحادثة؛ إنجليزية كانت أو عربية، تكون الحاجة ماسة لدراستها وفهمها فهما صحيحا. وأنا كمدرس اللغة العربية بالتجربة والممارسة، أساعد الطلاب في تسهيل العلوم المتعلقة باللغة العربية، فلا حاجة لقلق في الفصل الدراسي، أشرح الدروس بالتمهل وطلاب في أشد البهجة والسرور لأجل ما يشاهدونه من الفوائد الدراسية الجمة. "فالخبر ليس كالعيان" فسيتضح الأمر عند اللقاء في فصلنا الأول. مع السلامة! الأستاذ /Master / Instructor: يوسف أولاوالي /Yusuf Olawale.

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